Private, professional escorting of various executives (CEO/CTO/VP) for hiring specialized C-Level & Management positions.
Private, professional escorting of various executives (CEO/CTO/VP) for hiring specialized C-Level & Management positions.
In today’s world there are many opportunities that may be followed into exciting projects. Our generation is different in so many ways, mainly due to staying innovative in a pace we have never seen before.
Every tech company in the world is aware of the challenges in recruiting talent: promising candidates are flooded with offers, and once you recruit them, it’s difficult to retain them over the years.
When you need to get things done, you need to get them right. When you need to get things right, you have to get someone who knows the job. When you need to get someone who knows the job, you go with iTalent.
You have a new and exciting idea. An idea of your own. Your whole future career may be located in it – And you’re ready to transform it to your own big bang.
If you wish that your company will handle challenges in the most suitable way, you have to prepare your employees for anything that might come up. Practice makes perfect, and your business is no exception.
We’re committed to leaving organizations and their people in a truly better place –
more changeable, more engaged and better equipped for creating a better future.